Nebraska Public Employees Financial Wellness Program
Financial wellness has become increasingly important for all Americans. In the wake of economic downturns, a global pandemic, and changes to work-based benefits, wages have not been keeping pace with the cost of living. Very few initiatives have been developed and tailored for use by state and local government workers. This educational webinar series program is intended to rectify this oversight.
Though 65 percent of state and local government employees believe it is important for their employers to offer a financial literacy program, only 29 percent of those governments have such a program. Yet even before the pandemic, 88 percent of public-sector employees reported worrying about their finances and financial decision-making, and two-thirds reported worrying about these while at work.
The recorded webinar series includes six one-hour sessions. Topics include: budgeting, savings, and debt reduction; investing and retirement; identity theft and fraud awareness; planning for children and college; insurance; and estate planning. To access the recordings you must first complete the pre-test. You may progress through the series at your own pace. Learn more.
The program was designed for Nebraska public employees, but we welcome participation from anyone seeking to improve their financial wellness. Please register to access the recorded financial wellness webinar program.
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To register for the recorded webinar series, please complete the form below.